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Patient Code of Conduct 

[Insert Clinic Name] prides itself on providing a professional and respectful health care environment. To assist, we ask that staff, doctors, and patients follow this Code of Conduct.

  • Mutual respect
    • [Insert Clinic Name] respects the time, rights, and privacy of its patients. It requests that patients recognize and respect the time, rights, and privacy of all physician doctors and staff.
  • On time appointments
    • In general, [Insert Clinic Name] strives to see patients on time. To help ensure this policy can be true, we request our patients arrive on time and be understanding of any delays experienced due to extenuating circumstances. 
  • Harassment-free environment
    • [Insert Clinic Name] provides a harassment-free environment for its patients and staff. Any behaviour considered harassment will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, offensive language, intimidation, threats, physical assault, or aggressive behaviour.
  • Reason for visit
    • When booking your appointment, advise our staff what the reason is for your visit so appropriate time can be allotted. Present any forms to the receptionist which must be attended to before the visit with your doctor.
  • Test results
    • [Insert Clinic Name] does not provide the results of lab or X-Ray results over the phone. If a physician authorizes a staff member to call, they will inform you of your results. We will not call you if your results have returned as normal. If your results are abnormal, then our staff will call you and book an appointment for you to review your results.
  • Telephone calls
    • Phone calls are answered [field placeholder=”Monday through Friday”], from [field placeholder=”9am to 5pm”]. We do not take calls during [field placeholder=”12pm to 1pm”] due to the office lunch hour.